
•    Theology After Christendom: Forming Prophets for Mission in a Post-Christian World (Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2018)
•    The Scarlet Woman and the Red Hand: Evangelical Apocalyptic Belief in the Northern Ireland Troubles (Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2014)
•    A Future and a Hope: Mission, Theological Education and the Transformation of Post–Soviet Society (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2014)
•    Будущность и надежда. Миссия, богословское образование и преобразование постсоветского общества (Cherkassy: Colloquium, 2015)
•    Church Without Walls: Post-Soviet Baptists after the Ukrainian Revolution, 2013–2014. The 2016 Whitley Lecture (Oxford: Whitley Publications, 2016)

•    (with Kenneth C. G. Newport), Beyond the End: The Future of Millennial Studies (Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2012)
•    Proceedings from the London Consultation on Ukraine at Lambeth Palace (Chicago: BMS World Mission/Mission Eurasia, April 2015)
•    2017–2018: Member of the Editorial Board of the journal, Theological Reflections

•    Foreword to Klaus-Dieter John, I Have Seen God: The Miraculous Story of the Diopsi Suyana Hospital in Peru (Lion Hudson: Oxford, 2014)

•    ‘Futuristic Interpretations of Revelation in the Modern Era’, in The Oxford Handbook to the Book of Revelation (writing currently in progress; co-authored with Kenneth Newport; expected publication in 2019)
•    ‘Between Ulster and the Kingdom of God: Uses of the Bible by Evangelicals in the Northern Ireland Troubles’, in The Bible in Ireland: A Social and Cultural History, edited by Bradford Anderson and Jonathan Kearney (London: Bloomsbury/T&T Clark, 2018)
•    ‘The Reformation in Russia and Ukraine and its Relevance for Today’, European Journal of Theology 26.1 (Spring, 2017), 55-64
•    ‘The Kingdom of God is Justice and Peace: Lessons for Post-Soviet Evangelicals from Glen H. Stassen’, in European Journal of Theology 25.1 (Spring, 2016)
•    ‘No Revolution without Reformation: A Hegelian Reading of Maidan as a Civil and Religious Reformation’, in van der Laarse et al (eds.), Ukraine: Religion, State, Society and Identity in Transition (Wolf: Oisterwijk, 2015), 299–318
•    ‘Царствие Божие — справедливость и мир: Уроки, преподанные Мартином Лютером Кингом и Гленом Стассеном’, Альманах Богомыслие (Summer, 2015), 40–49
•    ‘Eine vergessene Stimme in der Ökumene? Einheit der Kirche aus baptistischer Perspektive’, Okumenische Begegnungen: Zum 25-jährigen Jubiläum der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ökumenische Forschung / Beihefte zur Ökumenischen Rundschau 100; C. Hoffmann et al (eds.) (Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2015)
•    ‘Moving Towards an Ecumenism of Koinonia: A Critical Response to 'The Church: Towards a Common Vision' from a Baptistic Perspective, Journal of European Baptist Studies (January, 2015), 17–27
•    ‘Kritická odpověď z baptistickej perspektivy na dokument „Cirkev v ústrety spoločnej vízii“’, Teologický časopis: fórum pre kresťanský dialóg. Trnavská univerzita Teologická fakulta, Bratislava, Ročník 12 (2/2014), 57–70
•    ‘Moving Towards an Ecumenism of Koinonia (baptistic perspective), Testimonium fidei: Časopis pre teológiu a katechetiku 2 (December, 2014), 217-232
•    ‘From Christian Worldview to Kingdom Formation: Theological Education as Mission in the Former Soviet Union’, European Journal of Theology 23 (Autumn, 2014), 104–115
•    ‘Sweet in the Mouth and Bitter in the Stomach’: Interpretations of the Book of Revelation among Evangelicals in Northern Ireland during the ‘Troubles’, Irish Theological Quarterly 79 (January, 2014), 14–29
•    ‘The Ecumenical Imperative and the Kingdom of God: Towards a baptistic perspective on church unity’, Journal of European Baptist Studies 14 (September, 2013), 5-23
•    (with Roy Searle) ‘Monastic Practices and the Missio Dei: Towards a Socially-Transformative Understanding of Missional Practice from the Perspective of the Northumbria Community’, Journal of Missional Practice (Autumn 2013)
•    ‘Bibleyskiye i sotsial’no osnovaniya dlya bogosloviya mirotvorchestva v razreshenii nasil’stvennykh konfliktov’, Bogoslovskiye razmyshleniya (June, 2013), 202-14
•    ‘The Divine-Human Imagination: William Blake’s Vision of Theosis and the Theology of Hope’, Luvah: Journal of the Creative Imagination (Summer, 2013)
•    ‘The Biblical and Social-Ethical Grounds for a Theology of Peacemaking in Resolving Violent Conflicts’, Theological Reflections (June, 2013), 215-26
•    ‘The Future of Millennial Studies and the Hermeneutics of Hope: A Theological Reflection’, in Joshua Searle and Kenneth C. G. Newport (eds.), Beyond the End: The Future of Millennial Studies (Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2012), 131-47
•    ‘Romantismus, Fantasie a Utopie: Teologické Zhodnocení’, in Křesťanství a Romantismus, Ivana Noble and Jiří Hanuš (eds.) (Brno: CDK, 2011), 54-72
•    ‘Ideology, Convictions and Eschatology: Towards a Theological Critique of Ideology from an Eschatological Perspective’, Baptistic Theologies 3 (Spring, 2011), 99-115
•    ‘Is the Sermon on the Mount a Realistic Resource for Christian Discipleship and Spiritual Formation?’, Journal of European Baptist Studies 9 (January, 2009), 80-91

•    «Самария» – Зона конфликта. Миссия в обход, Евангельская нива 1 (2015), 12–14
•    ‘Rapid Response to Community Building as a Spiritual Practice’, Journal of Missional Practice (online journal), February 2015
•    ‘Learning from the Past to Reimagine the Future: Theological Education in the (Former) Soviet Union’ Keston Newsletter 19 (February 2014), 10-21
•    ‘The Radical Imperative of Otherness: A New Monastic Vision of ‘Being the “Other” in a Context of Cultural Exile’, in Being the Other: Theological Students Conference 2011 (Belfast: IPC, 2011), 7-10
•    My articles on current affairs have been published on the website of Christian Today (see:

•    I have published several book reviews in the Journal of European Theology and the Journal of Adult Theological Education, among others
•    My own books have been reviewed positively in the Irish Times, Journal of Ecclesiastical History, Irish Theological Quarterly, Nova Religio, New Eastern Europe, Theological Book Review and Journal of European Theology, among others.
•    My book The Scarlet Woman and the Red Hand was reviewed positively in the national newspaper, Irish Times:
•    My book, A Future and a Hope was reviewed positively by Prof. Amos Yong:

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As a loyal and long-suffering supporter of Middlesbrough FC, he has had to learn the theological virtue of keeping hope alive, even in the most hopeless circumstances!

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